

Hello there 🙂

Thanks for stopping by and wanting to know more about me. I’m so happy that you are here!

I’m Louise, a creative person, who can easily get stressed out because I don’t have enough time to make all the things I want to.

Do you ever get that feeling?

Now I have started a blog to get a creative outlet from where I can share the projects I make. I hope this can be a place, where you want to interact with me and share a part of you as well. I would love to talk to and get to know other creative people.

Sometimes I feel like being online equals being perfect, but this blog is a part of me and I hope to be able to open up and share difficult times as well as the happy ones. So even though the blog is mainly a creative outlet with diy projects and graphic elements, I want to open up and sometimes share aspects of my life with you, so you also get to know me a little better.

I was born and live in Denmark and have always loved the country. Except for the weather – it feels like it’s always fall here. However I do feel privileged to have been born in such a place, where I am not scared to try, fall and then try again. I have many small businesses behind me that didn’t live up to my dreams, but I have always been able to get back up on my feet.

Please note that English isn’t my first language, so if I make spelling mistakes, I’m sorry, I’m not perfect but do try my best.

me-and-my-loveI live with the greatest man I could ever have hoped to meet. We have been together since 2012 and I still miss him when we have been apart for a day. He is my love and my home. I like to have a few people close to me and he is the one I can truly tell everything. He is my best friend and my rock. He is a big part of me getting to follow my dreams, because he is so supportive and will hold my hand through rough times.

The past year I have been obsessed with painting my nails, and every now and then I share my designs on youtube. If you have the same interest, you might want to follow along on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1dxdLbjwg7608wD-xmv0DQ

Creating is my passion and I like to branch out and try different things. I hope you will follow along and that we can get to know each other.



3 thoughts on “About

    1. Hi 😀
      When you sign up for the tiny honeycomb newsletter you will get a link and a password to the library with printables 🙂
      if you haven’t recieved the welcome mail, try to check your spam/junk folder.
      If that doesn’t help you – you are welcome to write me an email, and I will send you the link and password – e-mail: lwh@thetinyhoneycomb.com 🙂

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