Never Compare Quote – Free printable

It is time for a new printable. This time with one of my favorite quotes: Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. I mentioned this quote in my post about how I stay motivated working from home, and I have worked on how to display this in my home since then.

I like the simple look of black and white, mostly because it goes perfectly with the metals I have going on in our home at the moment, so this printable is just that. The letters are my handwriting made digital and I kind of like the imperfections here and there – fits the quote really well.

Never compare your beginning to someone elses middle quote. Free printable. The tiny honeycomb blog

The printable is a regular PDF so it should be easy for everybody to open and print. When you click the links below, it will open in a new tab, and all you have to do it save it to your computer and print.

Never Compare Printable A4

Never Compare Letter

Please share your favorite quote with me I would love to hear them!





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